Lindsay Pepper
National Events manager
Cedar Mill Markets
“I’m on this earth not only to survive but to thrive! It’s my mission to live a full life with passion, compassion, humor and a side dish of style.”
Lindsay is one helluva powerhouse that comes to us from a career in managing mammoth events with one of Australia’s largest hotel groups. She also grew up within her family’s design business. Her skills to support streamlining and success are nothing short of super! Her personality is as big as her heart, and you’ll love her as much as we all do the minute you meet her.
Lindsay’s the one that makes sure every road trip runs seamlessly with an execution average that sits at the highest end of the calibre scale. From crafting mammoth floor-plans to writing run-sheets, Lindsay steers a tight ship. Best yet, she always does it with enthusiasm and infectious energy that keeps everyone upbeat.